Our Directors




Joymichelle Green                        Susan Griffin                   Michelle Baumann



Walton Drama Booster Club

The Walton Drama Booster Club is guided by a Board consisting of the elected Officers, Committee Chairs and the Drama Club Faculty Advisor. The parents and guardians of the students who are members of the Drama Club are automatically members of the Booster Club. Donations are used to fund Drama Club speakers, production costs, recognitions and scholarships.


There are no fees to join.  Members are encouraged to make a tax-deductible contribution to the Booster Club.  All members are acknowledged in the program.


Walton Drama is fortunate to be a part of a community which values and appreciates the Fine Arts.  Our shows are funded solely from your generosity.  Walton Drama is a non-profit corporation established to provide our students the opportunity to learn all aspects of the theater and to allow them to share their talents with you.


Interested in helping? Contact us!


2023-2024 WAMA Booster Board Members


Tiffany Baehman:  President

Chris Lang:  Treasurer

Erin Connelly:  Secretary

Holly Hugh:  Hospitality

Jan Goldstein:  Spirit Wear

Josh Erickson: Operations
Kelly Miller:  Fundraising

Maggie Carlock: Concessions

Erin Connelly: Scholarship Chair

Open Committee Chairs:  Volunteer Coordinator & Banquet Chair